Category Archive for "Uncategorised"

das auto matters

15th October 2015

As most of you will know, VAG have been a little untruthful regarding its emission performance claims and we suspect that this disaster will have serious negative macroeconomic consequences. In the US and Asia, the claims are damaging from a…

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US corporate sector and financial engineering

2nd October 2015

Although plagued by the usual data inaccuracies (many of which seem to have been caused by a shortage of funds at the Federal Reserve), there was much that was of interest within the latest US flow of funds data.  Perhaps…

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Japan: Yet More Abenomics in the Short Term but changes in the longer term?

14th September 2015

Following our recent trip to Japan, we believe that we can expect an expansion of the BoJ’s QE and some form of supplementary budget before the year end. Both actions will probably be limited in terms of their scale and…

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Global Recession?

1st September 2015

If one were to ‘arrive from Mars’ and consider a global economy in which world trade prices were deflating, savings rates were rising, investment rates were falling while government fiscal positions were stable or improving, and monetary conditions were tightening…

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NZ: Problems at the Diary

21st August 2015

New Zealand’s economy is slowing, quite sharply, as a number of its former stimuli fade. Admittedly, the available data hasn’t been that weak thus far and consequently the RBNZ has continued cautiously with its easing of policy. We suspect that…

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Australia: recession-bound

21st August 2015

Australia’s economy has weakened significantly as the non-commodity sectors have been unable to fill the void left by the now defunct commodity boom. Certainly, the trend within the economy seems to remain towards weaker growth; the strength in the property…

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The Consequences of Greece

6th July 2015

It seems that the more important casualties of the Greek situation will be the still remarkably opaque transfer mechanisms that are needed in order to keep any monetary union together.   It should be remembered that even ‘successful’ monetary Unions –…

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Italy’s revival

6th July 2015

Lower oil prices and an improvement in the auto sector have led to a small rebound in the Italian economy. There are concerns that as the boost in the economy from the oil industry fades, so too may much of…

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Greece and the ECB

29th June 2015

Quite naturally, financial markets are focussed on events in Greece and for us the key question remains whether Greece will or will not default in the coming days on its EUR100.3 billion of debt to the TARGET2 system and its…

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US Flow of Funds Data – interesting observations

12th June 2015

Despite some glaring data accuracy problems, the latest flow of funds data from the USA provided few surprises but did confirm a number of important hypotheses.  Firstly, the US corporate sector is now running a significant cash flow deficit that…

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