Emailed Reports

Over the course of a week, we aim to produce at least six emailed documents for our clients. The week starts with a detailed look at monetary trends in the US, japan and Europe in our regular weekly credit reviews. We also produce each week a graphical overview of either a developed economy or an emerging market; these reports are designed to be ‘an easy read’ on a train or aeroplane and are intended to be used as a touchstone or data library for anyone interested in the economy concerned.

We also aim to produce a more ‘wordy’ thought piece during the middle of each week that covers in detail some particular facet or event within the global economy. Many of these reports tend to focused on an analysis of balance sheet trends and flows of funds and they are very much the cornerstone of our analysis.

Finally, we also produce a Global Weekly Review, a document that we have been producing in various guises since 1988, and which is designed to explore a topical event through the prism of our financial-flows-based methodology.

Client Meetings

An important component of our business model is ‘face time’ with our clients – we have no desire to be an ivory tower producer of research that simply sends our research across email servers. We like to engage in debate with our clients and very much view our service as seeking to provide a ‘route map’ that can be used to initiate a discussion on which way our clients should ‘travel’.

Bespoke Projects and Speaking Engagements

Time constraints permitting, we are always willing to consider bespoke projects and speaking engagements, be they to professional investors or to more retail-focussed audiences. Andrew has developed a reputation for making economics ‘approachable’ and at times even entertaining for audiences. AHEL does tend to shun media contact – preferring to keep its research purely for paying clients – but we are always happy to help support our clients’ businesses by delivering presentations or other events whenever possible.

Contact Us

For more information on our services and tariffs, please contact Andrew directly on